Understanding Auto Insurance
Many times, people ignore buying insurance coverage while purchasing a car, considering auto insurance as an aspect that would increase the financial burden. However, buying car insurance is vital as it considerably reduces financial burden incurred due to an accident or property damage.
Most people have a faint idea about their insurance requirements. According to the law, car insurance should cover certain minimal requirements in order to be considered as valid. The primary coverages included in car insurance are liability coverage, personal injury protection, medical expenses, death benefits, property damage liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, comprehensive coverage and collision coverage. Each state has different requirements pertaining to these coverages. Understanding these coverages could significantly reduce the insurance costs.
Liability insurance coverage is mandatory under most of the State jurisdictions. Liability insurance provides coverage against injury caused to the person driving the car. It also provides coverage to people injured and to the property damaged during the accident. The minimum required amount for liability coverage differs from state to state. However, liability coverage is not a compulsion is States such as New Hampshire, Tennessee, South Carolina and Wisconsin.
Certain States require insurance policies that provide personal injury protection and also cover all the medical expenses incurred at the time of treatment. Also available are certain policies that provide financial coverage against any lost wages, if the person insured is injured in any accident. It is always wise to select a policy that includes death benefit option, so that in case of the unforeseen death of the insured person during an accident, the policy provides financial security to the family.
Collision coverage covers any vehicle damage that has occurred due to a collision. Comprehensive coverage covers issues such as theft, fire, and damages due to falling objects, missiles, explosions, earthquakes, flood and riots.